Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Closet Organizer Do It Yourself

Utilize all areas of your closet for storage.

Organizing a closet can feel daunting and scary, however, it can also make a person feel rejuvenated and more organized when it comes to picking out clothes. Spend a day working on your closet to weed out clothes you no longer wear or want and to find clothes that have gone missing amidst the madness of your disorganized closet. There is no need to have a professional come in when you can do it yourself to save time and money. Does this Spark an idea?


Basic Organization

1. Sort through all the clothes, accessories and shoes you own and get rid of items that you have not worn in a year unless you went through a pregnancy or major weight loss. Try on the clothes you have kept to make sure they fit properly or can be tailored to accommodate your body before placing them back in the closet.

2. Look at the closet to determine how you will organize the space. Foldable clothing, such as sweaters and jeans, will rest on shelving to avoid hanger creases. Hanging clothing, such as dresses, suits, creased pants, jackets and nice shirts, will be hung on space saving hangers.

3. Separate clothing by style and hang together in sections. Hang items high enough off the floor so the bottoms do not brush the floor. Color coordinate the sections. For example, short sleeve shirts should hang together from light to dark. Avoid wasting space by not hanging heavy coats in the closet and using slim hangers.

4. Fold items that cannot be hung on a hanger. Folded items include sweaters and casual pants. Stack the sweaters no more than eight to 10 inches high to avoid shifting and falling piles. Separate sweaters according to style, such as cardigans, turtlenecks and sweater vests. Casual pants should be separated into jeans, khakis and corduroy.

Accessories Organization

5. Use shelf storage at the top of the closet to store bags, briefcases and storage boxes. Stand bags or cases up and stuff with tissue to avoid unwanted creases in the center of the purse or case.

6. Purchase canvas or leather storage boxes to fit in the top shelf or other shelves within the closet. Wrap belts and scarves to store in the boxes. Other items that can fit in storage boxes include hats, socks, jewelry and leggings.

7. Keep ties straight and unwrinkled by purchasing a tie hanger and hanging it on the clothes rod next to the suits. If there is a door to the closet, purchase an over-the-door tie hanger or decorative hook hanger to store ties.

Shoe Organization

8. Hang an over-the-door shoe rack on the back of a closet door to store up to 15 pairs of shoes. For additional storage on a double door closet, hang two shoe racks up to store up to 30 pairs of shoes.

9. Store shoes on a floor shoe rack or in clear plastic shoe boxes for closets without doors or with sliding doors. Take pictures of the shoes and tape to the front of the box for easy identification.

10. Store boots on the closet floor in clear, plastic boot boxes. Take a picture of the boots and tape on the outside of the box to identify which pair of shoes is in the box. For smaller spaces, store boots under the bed in warmer months to open up the floor of the closet.

11. Purchase a canvas or plastic container to put in the corner of the closet for flip flops and casual sandals.

Tags: items that, storage boxes, back closet, clear plastic, clothing such, door closet