Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Organize A Toddler'S Closet

Every parent of a toddler knows how out of control their child's closet can become. Clothes, toys, dirty laundry, keepsakes, and books fill the closet until it simply cannot close. It is difficult to make a guide designed to teach parents organize toys and books because children have all different kinds and sizes of toys. It would have to be on a case by case basis. Clothes organization, however, can easily be generalized to fit any toddler of either gender. If you need to get your toddler's clothes closet under control, this article will help. Soon you will have a tidy, organized toddler closet designed for you to locate desired outfits lightning fast.


1. Remove all clothes from the closet and put them into a big pile. The first step is to completely rid the closet of any clothes. You want to start with a blank closet slate. The clothes pile should be out of, but near the closet.

2. Go through and get rid of anything that is too small or anything you dislike. One by one, look at each item of clothing. Does your child ever wear it? Is it too small? Is there an unsightly, un removable stain? Anything you want to keep, place into one pile. All other clothes, place into a give away or throw away pile.

3. Place all giveaway clothes into a box labeled "Donate". Place all clothes you want to throw away into garbage bag.

4. Separate the remaining clothes into 4 piles: outfit sets, pants, shirts, and dresses. Place hangers on dresses, outfit sets, and nice shirts. Make sure to keep the outfit sets together. Once you have placed hangers on the clothes, lay them neatly in a pile on the floor.

5. Take all of the pants out of the closet and place in a dresser or storage bin. If there is no room for a dresser in your toddler's room, a storage bin inside the closet will work fine.

6. Designate one side of your toddler's closet for warm clothes and one side for summer clothes. One by one, pick up the clothes on their hangers and place them on their designated closet side. If there are outfits that could go either way, place them in the middle of the closet.

7. Place a shoe storage rack and a laundry basket in the closet. You can purchase shoe racks that hang right in the closet. This is perfect for the many shoes your toddler owns. A laundry basket on the closet floor also works well for dirty clothes. It stays out of the way and out of sight.

Tags: your toddler, outfit sets, basket closet, clothes into, clothes want, into pile