Friday, September 6, 2013

Cheap Toy Storage Ideas

Cheap Toy Storage Ideas

Keeping the toy mess under control is a challenge in many homes. Cheap toy storage solutions help organize the mess without breaking the bank. Because what works for one family might prove cumbersome for another, the best toy storage system is one that fits your available space and lifestyle. Most toy storage containers can be used for other purposes, so if you find they don't work well as a toy solution, consider using them to organize other parts of your home.

Laundry Baskets

Laundry baskets work well for a variety of toys, especially larger toys. Stuffed animals and large, odd-shaped toys that take up a lot of space in traditional toy boxes can be stored easily in laundry baskets. This toy storage idea also works well in rooms where you'd like to be able to remove the toys. At the end of the day, all of the toys can go into the basket and the basket can be moved from the room.

Plastic Tote Boxes

Plastic totes are an inexpensive and simple toy storage option, and the lids keep the contents from spilling out of the boxes. Choosing clear tote boxes allows you to see what's inside without opening them, and plastic totes of the same size stack on top of one another easily, which can help when space is at a premium. You can also purchase special under-the-bed storage totes for toys that aren't used as often. Placing a label or a picture on the outside of the box to show which toys belong in the box can help young children sort their toys back into the appropriate boxes.

Milk Crates

Milk crates are another affordable and stackable option for toy storage. The crates do have holes on the sides and bottom so you'll want to use them for larger items. Fill the crates just to the top so you can stack them on top of one another. Milk crates are especially useful for holding books.

Cloth Bags

Cloth bags with a zipper or drawstring closure offer a storage solution for several different kinds of toys. Cloth bags are ideal for storing stuffed animals and dress up clothes because they are soft and relatively lightweight. A label on the outside of the bag easily identifies the contents. A series of pegs or hooks on the wall can hold the toy storage bags. Hang the hooks at a level that allows children to reach them easily.

Door Storage Units

Over-the-door storage units often work well for small accessories, stuffed animals, craft supplies and other small toys. Plastic shoe holders with clear pouches allow children to see what is inside each section. Adding a label to each pouch will help children put things back in the appropriate spot.

Tags: work well, Cheap Storage Ideas, Cloth bags, Storage Ideas, stuffed animals, toys that