Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ingredients In Monster Energy Drinks

Certain ingredients give Monster Energy Drink its energy-producing properties

Monster Energy Drink is an energy drink that has increased in popularity and can be found in most gas stations, convenience stores and grocery stores. The ingredients in Monster Energy Drinks account for this boost in energy. Substances like caffeine, inositol and guarana are some of the active ingredients in Monster that help make the drink what it is. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Carnitine is a nutrient naturally found in the body. It helps the body transform fat into energy. L-carnitine is the most inexpensive form of carnitine. A 2007 study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" shows that supplements of this nutrient can help reduce fatigue, making it a useful ingredient in Monster Energy Drinks.


Caffeine is a mild stimulant found in a variety of forms, most commonly in coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks, like Monster. It stimulates the central nervous system, producing a temporary increase in energy and alertness, and can improve coordination.


Inositol, or vitamin Bh, is a form of sugar that the body naturally creates from glucose. Its purpose is to improve functioning of the muscles, nerves and brain. It has been used to treat a few conditions, including depression.


Glucose, or sugar, is a simple carbohydrate that travels through the bloodstream and provides our body with instant energy. Included in Monster Energy Drinks, glucose provides this energy rush, also known as a "sugar rush," to the body. Beware, however, because too much glucose can have the opposite effect on the body.


Guarana is similar to caffeine since it stimulates the central nervous system, giving the body a boost in energy and alertness. The difference between the two stimulants is that guarana is a slower-releasing stimulant, giving a longer-lasting effect than caffeine provides.

Tags: Monster Energy, Energy Drinks, Monster Energy Drinks, boost energy, central nervous, central nervous system