Monday, February 18, 2013

Attic Storage Tips

Attics can be good storage places if used correctly.

Because it is one of the hardest storage areas to get into, store items that are used infrequently in the attic. It is a logical place for items that you don't use but aren't quite ready to get rid of. Storing items in the attic can be tricky. It is often difficult to get into, subject to extremes in temperature and a favorite living space for a variety of critters. Knowing a few tips will help make storing items in your attic much easier. Does this Spark an idea?

Know What to Store

Tapes and other items may be damaged if stored in the attic.

Do not store any items that cannot handle temperature extremes. This includes candles, books, photos and tapes. You also want to avoid storing large items in the attic that may be difficult to get up or down the ladder. Measure any large items beforehand to ensure that they will fit through the attic door.

Use Plastic Storage Bins

Store items destined for the attic in clear plastic storage bins rather than cardboard boxes. Plastic bins keep out dust and pests, and allow the contents to be seen at a glance. They can also be hosed off when taken out of the attic. Label all containers so the contents can be easily identified later.

Pack Containers Correctly

Pack boxes and containers appropriately. Maneuvering up and down the ladder can be tricky under normal conditions and downright dangerous if attempting to carry a heavy box. Do not pack boxes too heavy. Remember, what you put up in the attic will eventually come down. Heavy boxes are harder to handle and really hurt when they bonk you on the head.


Store things neatly. Make rows with your storage containers rather than piling them anywhere. This will make it easier to maneuver when needed and to look for pests. Group seasonal items together and place frequently used items nearest the entrance. Make sure you don't block the ventilation in your attic or obstruct airflow. Don't store heavy items on top of furniture; they can weaken the joints.

Keep a List

Keep a list of everything that you have stored in your attic. That way if you are looking for something, you can check the list rather than the attic. Store the list and a pen by the entrance to the attic to make it easy to add or subtract items as needed. You may also want to keep a list of where things are in the attic to help find things later.

Do Regular Checks

Regularly check on items in the attic. You want to make sure that you don't have any uninvited visitors, as well as confirm the condition of the items in the attic. Plan to check the attic about once every 3 or 4 months. If you consider it "out of sight, out of mind," you may end up losing the item altogether.

Tags: items attic, items that, rather than, your attic, also want, down ladder, large items