Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Unique Ideas For Closet Decor

Closets don't have to be ugly and cramped.

Closets can be tricky. Most people think they don't have enough closet space, so everything gets crammed together in an attempt to make it fit. This results in an ugly, disorganized mess that can be a nightmare to wade through. The truth is, you probably have plenty of closet space, but you are simply not using the space wisely. Proper organization can solve the messiness problem, and doing a little interior design to the closet can motivate you to keep it neat. Does this Spark an idea?

Interior Surprise

Try painting the inside of your closet a bright color that contrasts with the room. This adds a touch of the unexpected, and motivates you to stay organized or risk covering up all of your hard work. Make it pretty. Add a pretty stencil design around the inside. Invest in some attractive hangers or storage totes. There's no law that says the inside of a closet has to be boring or ugly. Make it just as attractive as the room that it is in.


Transform your walk-in closet to a dressing room. Add a full-length cheval mirror if you have the room, or a wall-mounted one if you do not. Put a small vanity table in there and add full-spectrum lighting that will allow you to see colors more clearly. If you do not have a walk-in closet, consider transforming a spare bedroom or bathroom into one.


Remove everything from the closet and get rid of anything you haven't used in a year. Store any rarely-used mementos in the attic or a storage unit. Chances are, you don't have as much to put back in as you thought. Take a good look at what you have, and decide what kind of organizational system you need. For clothes, a double-tier hanging bar can double your closet space. Shoes do best on angled shelves, but an over-the-door shoe organizer can work as well. If the closet is used to store miscellaneous objects, consider installing shelves and using a system of baskets or bins to group by categories.


If the closet is mostly unused, it can be transformed into a work space. Installing a sturdy work surface can turn your closet into a mini office or sewing room. Put shelves along either side for organization, and choose a chair that can be slipped under the desk for storage. Crafters can finally have a space dedicated to glue guns and ribbon, and artists will love having a place to leave a work-in-progress where it will not be disturbed.


Ditch the old louvered closet doors and install a set that fits your needs. If the room lacks a full-length mirror, get mirrored sliding doors. If the room has a cottage decor, try a pair of French doors with frosted glass. Victorian rooms look great with curtains instead of closet doors. Whatever you choose, make sure the entire closet opens wide. Having two sets of doors with a split in the middle impedes accessibility and wastes space.

Tags: closet space, your closet, closet doors, doors with, walk-in closet