Sunday, November 4, 2012

Go Back To School Green

Go Back to School Green

Going back to school is costly, but if you think green you can save your family some money while still supplying your children with everything they need to do their schoolwork. Many families spend money on disposable items that don't get recycled, and sometimes these items are not even used during the school year. Read on to learn go back to school green.


Go Back to School Green

1. Purchase school clothes from a thrift store. Kids are constantly growing, and you know you will have to buy bigger clothes for them next year, so why keep buying new ones? You might find brand names at thrift stores, and they will definitely be cheaper but still stylish for your teen.

2. Encourage recycling in the household. School projects can involve lots of paper, plastic and cardboard, so recycle these projects after they are completed. Keep electronic memories of them; take a picture and save it to your computer along with school reports and other papers. It also helps to buy recycled paper, but make sure it gets recycled after you use it.

3. Pack lunches for your kids instead of letting them buy cafeteria food. Get in the habit of preparing lunch at night before bed. Package the food in plasticware instead of foil or plastic bags. If your child enjoys certain cafeteria meals, allow him to eat cafeteria food once a week.

4. Put your kids on the bus instead of wasting gasoline to drive them to school later. The bus is already going past your house, so take advantage of it.

5. Designate an area in your pantry or closet to keep all school supplies. This way you know exactly where to go when you run out of supplies.

Tags: Back School, back school, Back School Green, cafeteria food, kids instead, save your, School Green