Monday, November 12, 2012

Measure & Cut Shelves

When cutting boards for shelves, be sure to saw at a perpendicular angle.

If you are planning to make and hang wooden shelves somewhere in your home, you need to make sure that you cut the boards accurately so that they fit properly on the shelf brackets. If they are cut too small, then the shelves might shift and fall, and if they are too long, you might not be able to slide them in place in tight locations. Accurate measurement is the key. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the area where the shelves are to be placed. Record the distance between the two walls where the shelf will sit or the space on the wall where you want a shelf.

2. Starting from one end of the shelf board, run the measuring tape along the length. Stop when you reach the measurement that you recorded and make a mark on the board with the pencil.

3. Place a square on the board at the mark and draw a straight line. The square will help you draw the line at a right angle perpendicular to the board length.

4. Place the board under a circular saw and line it up so that the blade will cut the board on the line. Lower the circular saw to cut the board.
