Monday, October 31, 2011

The Best Use Of Retail Space

Treat your store's retail space as an investment. With the Internet becoming a more common way for people to shop, it is important to use your retail space wisely to attract and retain customers. The Internet offers a very impersonal shopping experience, so it is up to brick-and-mortar retailers to use their retail space to bring back an atmosphere that customers will find appealing. It is not easy, but it is necessary in the retail world.

Non-Sales Displays

Holiday displays can sometimes be seen as a waste of retail space, but when they keep customers in the store they can become a good sales resource. It all depends on how and where you place your non-sales displays. Do not use up valuable front-door space unless your business is selling holiday displays. Instead, place your non-sales displays at points throughout the store that force people to move around the store to see them. If you sell items that cater to children, place your non-sales displays low enough to the floor that the children can see them. Non-sales displays may not generate any direct revenue, but they can be very important in keeping customers in the store and buying.


Location can help determine how you dedicate your retail space. People who live in the city may be more interested in things they cannot get, such as fresh fruit and handmade furniture. People in rural areas may prefer items such as clothing. If you are in an in-between area where people typically commute to where they need to go, consider dedicating your shelving space to convenience items and on-the-go things such as coffee mugs or traveling packs of facial tissue. Experiment with what sells and keep track of seasonal sales as well.


Proper lighting in a retail setting cannot be ignored. A properly lit store is inviting, items are easy to find and people feel safe roaming the halls as they look for the items they came in to purchase. A dimly lit store can look ominous and it can be difficult to find items, especially those higher up on shelves. Make sure your retail space is well lit, be sure that every aisle is clearly marked and always have employees walking the floors to help customers find exactly what they need.

Tags: retail space, place your, place your non-sales, your non-sales, your non-sales displays, your retail, your retail space