Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Organize A Laundry Room

A laundry room is one of the busiest rooms in the house. Whether a closet-sized space or a large room with the latest technology, a laundry room is at its best when running efficiently. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine what is realistic for storage. Shelving, storage cabinets and ironing and folding areas are convenient assets to utilize if space is available.

2. Keep clothing separate by providing individual hampers for each person in the household.

3. Place laundry detergents, fabric softeners, starches and stain removers near the washing machine in one grouped area to avoid spills and messes. If possible, place these items on a shelf off the floor.

4. Create a wall storage solution for the appropriate items, especially ones you need readily available. Peg boards, hooks, racks and custom-made cabinets are all options.

5. Place a small trash bin near the washer and dryer to collect lint, used dryer sheets and other disposable items.

6. Use a laundry cart or hanging garment rack to sort and place freshly-washed items.

7. Remove folded, organized loads of laundry from the room immediately and place them in the proper place to avoid clutter.

Tags: laundry room