Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Organize Fashion Accessories In Your Closet

Organize your closet to maximize space and show off everything inside.

Everyone has fashion accessories of some sort, from belts and hats to shoes and jewelry. Often people simply toss these items in a box and forget about them. Or, the items can be so cluttered that you forget you even have them in the first place. Organize your closet with all your accessories included so you'll be able to find that perfect addition to complete your look in no time. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Lay all your accessories out on the floor and organize them by category, such as shoes, scarves, hats, jewelry, mittens/gloves, belts and handbags.

2. Hook an over-the-door hanger on the inside of your closet door. If your closet is a sliding door set-up, hang it on one of the far sides of the closet against the wall. Drape scarves on the bars of the hanger.

3. Set a dish-drying rack on the top shelf of the closet. Set handbags, wallets and clutches in the spaces of the dish rack. Or, place purses in a hanging shoe organizer with multiple compartments.

4. Purchase a clear pocketed hanging organizer that has numerous small plastic pouches on either side. Place all of your jewelry in these pockets so you can see your items, thus making you more apt to actually wear them.

5. Hang belts from a wooden hanger. Stack hats on top of each other on a shelf. Or, if space allows, hammer nails along the top edge of the closet wall just below the ceiling. Hang hats from each nail.

Tags: your closet, Organize your, Organize your closet, your accessories