Thursday, February 9, 2012

Get Checks Free

Get Checks Free

If you are looking to get checks free (personal checks or free business checks), you can order free boxes of checks online at a few websites. Read the below article to learn get free checks.


1. You can order free checks online at VistaPrint. VistaPrint is a printing company that allow you to order free boxes of checks. You will have to pay for shipping but the shipping cost is only a small fee. Just visit VistaPrint at the link below under resources and click on "Free Checks". Just follow the directions online on the VistaPrint website to order your free checks.

2. You can get free checks by opening a new bank account that offer free checks as a special promotion. Do a search online for banks that will give you free checks when you sign up for a new bank account.

3. You can also print out your own free personal or business checks. Buy a box of blank check paper and follow the directions on the back of the box. This will save you some money as you can print checks as you need them.

Tags: free checks, order free, bank account, boxes checks, business checks, checks free, checks online