Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Measure & Install Glass Cabinet Door Inserts

Many cabinet doors are prepped for glass installation.

Glass cabinet doors add sparkle to your kitchen, allowing you to showcase stemware, collectibles or just your everyday dishes. Most cabinet doors are "prepped for glass" by the manufacturer -- a small step, or edge, is fabricated on the back of the door to accommodate a glass insert. If no clips or moldings have been supplied by the manufacturer to secure the glass panels, caulking is a simple way to hold them in place. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Open the cabinet door. Take three measurements of the width of the cabinet door's step opening: one at the top, one in the middle and one at the bottom. Repeat this process for the depth of the cabinet door's step opening. Write down the largest measurement for the width and length, then subtract 1/8 inch from each measurement to get the proper glass panel size.

2. Remove the cabinet door from the cabinet by unscrewing the hinges. Place the door facedown on a clean, flat surface. Clean both sides of the glass panel with paper towels and window cleaner to remove any labels or dirt. Place the panel inside the glass frame of the cabinet door to check its fit. You should have approximately 1/16 inch of space all the way around between the glass and cabinet door step. Remove the glass panel from the door.

3. Run a line of painter's tape as close as possible to the edges of the glass to protect it from excess silicone caulk. Apply painter's tape around the cabinet door step opening, with the cabinet door remaining facedown.

4. Open a tube of clear, high-grade silicone caulk by cutting the tip off the nozzle with a razor knife. Insert the tool on the caulk gun into the nozzle to break the tube's seal. Load the tube into the caulk gun and pump the gun until silicone starts to flow. Clean off the nozzle with a paper towel.

5. Apply a small bead of silicone in each corner of the cabinet door step. Place the glass into the frame. Begin with the right side, then lower left side of the glass panel into place.

6. Run a bead of silicone all around, between the glass and cabinet. Dip your finger into a small bowl of very soapy water. Smooth the bead of caulk with your wet finger. Repeat the process until the bead is smooth. Remove the painter's tape immediately to avoid silicone drying onto it. Wait at least 24 hours before rehanging the cabinet door.

Tags: cabinet door, cabinet door step, door step, glass panel, cabinet doors