Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Use Cedar Oil On A Cedar Hangup

Hang a cedar block in your closet to repel moths.

It is believed that the aromatic oil found in the wood acts as natural moth repellent - and that the use of the cedar will protect clothes and bedding from insect damage. In addition to using cedar paneling to line the walls of a closet, you can also hang a block of cedar that has been treated with cedar oil from a rod. As the cedar scent wears off, just add more oil for continued protection. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place the cedar block on a tabletop and use a piece of sandpaper to lightly sand each side of the block. Use overlapping strokes and apply medium pressure. Use a dampened cloth after sanding to remove the sawdust.

2. Place 10 drops of cedar oil in the center of the front and back of the cedar block and use a cloth to spread the oil evenly across the wood.

3. Use a drill to cut a small hole into the block of cedar. Place the bottom of a large metal "S" hook through the cedar block and use the top of the hook to hang it from the rod in your closet.

Tags: cedar block, block cedar, your closet