Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Build A Fort In Your Closet

Build your own fort.

Every child wishes he had his own special place to hang out in and part of a child's imagination often involves hiding out in his own private fort. Even though your resources may be limited, a great hangout spot can be right in your own bedroom. Turning your closet into a fort is easier than you think.


1. Decide what size you are going to make your fort and lay it out in your mind. Consider what items you will want inside the fort and what items will remain on the outside. Since not many closets are empty, do some organization before you attempt to build the fort. Some kids think of the whole closet as their hangout and don't modify the closet itself. If you decide you want to set apart a portion of the closet for your fort, pick which part of the closet will be used and clear out the space.

2. Gather your materials. Different materials that can be used for the outside of your fort include pillows, blankets, cardboard from boxes and chairs.

3. Design the entrance and begin to build the exterior of your fort. If you are using blankets for your fort, wrap them over the clothes rod in the closet and leave an opening like you would find entering a teepee. Simply pull the blanket back to enter the fort. Stack pillows to surround your fort and enclose it. Allow an empty space for the fort's opening. For large closets, position chairs inside the closet and place cardboard against the chairs. Cardboard from refrigerators or washing machines are great because they contain large pieces. Drape a blanket over the top of the cardboard for the roof. Cut squares out of the cardboard for windows.

4. Decorate the interior of your fort by placing your favorite items inside. If the fort is large enough, use pillows and blankets to make it cozy or simply sit on the floor if it's a primitive type of fort. Hide snacks in secret spots, store your favorite books and magazines for reading, and bring in board games and cards. Equip your fort with all of your favorite electronics including cell phones, music mp3 players or laptops. Closet shelves or shoe boxes make great spots to store items.

5. Think about how you want to light your fort. If you are going simple, carry in a flashlight with you when you enter your fort. For the more sophisticated, turn on the light inside the closet. If your closet is equipped with a light bulb, use different colored bulbs depending on your mood.

6. Make posters and hang around the fort to add your own style. If you want to hang them from the ceiling, punch a hole in the poster and tie the poster with string to the clothes rod. Invite friends or siblings into the fort and have fun or simply enjoy it by yourself.

Tags: your fort, your favorite, closet your, fort your, inside closet, inside fort