Thursday, March 19, 2009

Organize A Cluttered Closet

A cluttered closet can disrupt the flow of a household and make you feel disorganized as a whole. Where is that red belt you've been searching for? Probably on the bottom of the clothes pile yet to be folded or ironed. Why do you have junk from the 1980s mixed in with your shoes? Not only do you not know where anything is in your clutter, you also have a lot of useless stuff you could get rid of if you actually took the time to sort it. With some time and a few of these tips, your closet can be organized. Does this Spark an idea?


Organize a Cluttered Closet

1. First, if possible, remove everything from your closet so you have an empty space to work with. Begin going through the pile of clothes, shoes and other objects that once lived in your closet. Set up three piles: one to keep, one to give away, and one for the trash. Clothes and other belongings can be given to charity, or dropped in charity bins in some shopping plazas, if in good condition. If something is completely falling apart, or is unrepairable, trash or recycle as appropriate. Just because you don't want it doesn't mean someone else won't want, or need, the same things. Alternatively, you can have a garage sale and make some cash.

2. Once all your items have been divided, make sure the closet is free of debris and ready to be refilled. Bag the items that are trash and kick it to the curb (or recycling bin). Bag or box the items you are giving away, or selling, and get it out of the way so you can deal with it later. Now is the time to organize what you still have and want. Take a look at what you have. Create categories. For example, you may have shirts to be placed on hangers, sweaters to be folded, pants either to be placed on hangers or folded, shoes to be organized and accessories. Start by choosing a category to work with first.

3. If you decided to start with shirts be sure to hang them up and have them in some sort of order that works for you, such as long sleeves, short sleeves, and then other shirts. Sweaters should be folded and placed on shelves, in drawers or in storage bins, depending on the layout of your closet. If they are in storage bins be sure to label them if the bins are not clear.

4. For pants, you can either hang them up or fold them and put them in drawers or on shelves. Keep them in order by type and color: all black pants, all brown pants, all khakis, all suit pants and all jeans. Then if you have capris, or shorter pants or shorts, add them. For skirts, the best idea is to put them on skirt hangers. Some hangers can hold multiple skirts (or pants). This will save space if you can put several skirts on one hanger. Finally, make sure dresses are hung up.

5. Shoes can be placed on the floor, on shelves, or stored in space saving bins. Some storage devices can fit right on the back of the closet door and some are tiered shelves that fit on the floor. These items can be purchased at many retailers. Be sure to separate your shoes in organized categories before placing them including boots, heels, dress shoes, casual shoes and sandals. Bags can be placed in a storage bin with a label or on a shelf. Belts can be hung on the wall of the closet with nails or on a tie rack for easy storage, along with hats.

Tags: your closet, hang them, make sure, Organize Cluttered, Organize Cluttered Closet