Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Causes Of A Gurgling Toilet

A gurgling toilet can be a nuisance in your bathroom.

A gurgling sound is not something that a homeowner wants to hear coming from her toilet. A gurgling toilet could be caused by a simple problem that is easy to remedy, or it could point to much bigger problems in the home. Does this Spark an idea?


Flushing toilet

A gurgling toilet can be caused by a blockage in the toilet line. An improperly installed vent or obstruction of the vent can also cause this sound. Septic tank problems are among the most severe issues that cause a gurgling toilet. A homeowner may or may not be able to determine the cause of a gurgling toilet on his own. The assistance of a qualified plumber may be necessary.


Toilet by tub in bathroom

A gurgling sink, toilet or bathtub can be caused by problems on the roof of a home. The plumbing vent line can become clogged by snow, ice or animal carcasses. Installing a larger top piece of pipe up to 4 inches in diameter can help eliminate problems caused by ice. Making the plumbing vent longer with an extension piece can eliminate problems caused by snow. Covering the end of the vent pipe with a hardware cloth held in place with a hose clamp will keep dead animals from falling in your plumbing vent pipe.



Plunging a toilet may be enough to unclog a blockage and remedy the gurgling sound. If the problem lies further down in the pipes, and is within the reach of a closet auger, also known as a snake, a homeowner can snake her own plumbing line and unclog a toilet on her own. Bigger clogs could require the use of a professional plumber who owns a much larger snake. Problems with a septic tank will need to be handled by a qualified professional.


Toilet paper

Be careful not to place items other than toilet paper down the toilet. If early signs of a clogged toilet such as slow water are present, remedy the situation before it gets out of hand. Toilets that continuously need unclogging may need to be replaced. Toilets such as the American Standard Champion 4 toilet are designed to flush a bucket of golf balls, meaning that a homeowner should not experience a gurgling, clogged toilet.


Do not use chemical drain opener in a toilet. This will break down the wax ring which seals the toilet from the floor. A disintegrated wax ring will lead to severe leaks from the toilet.

Use caution when using a snake or closet auger in an older home with cast iron plumbing. It is very easy for inexperienced individuals to inadvertently puncture a plumbing line. It is not as easy to puncture plastic or copper plumbing lines, as these types are usually resistant to corrosion. Those with cast iron plumbing should always call a plumber for assistance.

Turn water off before removing a toilet from the ground. Failure to do so can lead to water damage to the home, especially if a toilet is upstairs. A homeowner should never do anything he doesn't understand. Call a qualified professional plumber to fix a gurgling toilet and minimize potential additional damage to your home.

Tags: gurgling toilet, plumbing vent, bathroom gurgling, cast iron, cast iron plumbing