Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Clothes Closet Ideas

An organized closet puts everything you need right at your fingertips.

A disorganized closet makes finding what you need, when you need it, difficult. The racks are cluttered with clothing that you no longer wear or pieces that you wear only a few times a year as well as clothing that's out of season. The best way to clean things up and know what you have is to organize the closet. The right organizers go a long way towards helping you clean up your space. Does this Spark an idea?

Add More Racks

Closets typically have one long rack that's placed at eye level in the closet. Using more racks, or even a single additional rack, helps you store more clothes and organize the clothing inside. Add a second clothes rack at waist- or hip-level, and use that to store clothing you wear less frequently. Depending on the height of your closet ceiling, you can even lower your top rack slightly and add a second rack above your head. Use this higher rack to store items you rarely wear, including expensive clothing or special occasion clothing. The clothes stay free of wrinkles and other damage but are removed from your everyday clothing.

Clear It Out

When organizing your closet, remove everything from the closet first and make different piles. One pile should be for stained or damaged clothing that you plan to throw away. Make another pile for clothing to donate. Donate anything you haven't worn in six months to a year. Go through the clothing you plan to keep, and make separate piles: one for clothing you wear frequently and one for clothing worn less frequently. Arrange the clothing you wear most often in the front of the closet where it's easy to find and easy to reach. The lesser-worn clothing hangs towards the back of your wardrobe.

Look for Storage

Add more storage to your closet to compensate for clothing that doesn't require hanging, such as T-shirts, jeans and other clothing that doesn't wrinkle. Place a small dresser in the closet, and use that for wrinkle-free clothing, undergarments and accessories. Use over-the-door storage for belts, necklaces and even shoes. You'll also find pieces designed to hang from the existing rack in your closet. These small fabric shelves hook over the rack and have enough space and strength to hold shoes and clothing. Try using one or two of the shelves to store your favorite T-shirts, sweaters and other clothing that you use often but that doesn't wrinkle when folded.

Tags: clothing that, your closet, clothing wear, that doesn, clothing that doesn