Friday, March 20, 2009

Organize A Woman'S Closet

Organize your closet to avoid frantic searches through your wardrobe.

With the constantly changing trends and fashion tastes of women in society, their closets may become severely cluttered and disorderly. Some clothes that would otherwise be worn can easily be lost in the back of the closet under all the clutter. This can cost you extra time while you are getting ready for work or social events. A well-organized closet is one that allows you to see everything you have at a glance and access it directly. Get your closet in working order by organizing it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Pull everything out of your closet and spread it out over your floor or bed to look at what you have.

2. Inspect your hangers. Throw out broken, rusty or flimsy hangers.

3. Place stained, ripped or overly worn items in a pile to discard.

4. Place good clothes that no longer fit you or are no longer your style in a pile to give away.

5. Put your out of season clothes into a clear storage bin for long-term storage.

6. Finally, fold the in-season clothing that you wear on a daily basis or place it on sturdy hangers. Use hangers that fit the piece you are hanging. Use pant and skirt hangers for pants and skirts, rather than hanging them over shirt hangers. Place garment bags over nice dresses and suits.

7. Hang your hangers and clothing in the closet in categories. Place all of your tops together, bottoms together and complete ensembles in another section.

8. Place unused handbags into shoebox-sized clear totes. Place the totes along the top shelf of your closet, or carefully stack them on the floor.

9. Hang an over-the-door shoe organizer over the inside of your door and place your shoes inside the pouches.

10. Install two or three adhesive hooks on the wall of the closet. Hang your belts and scarves over the hooks for easy access.

Tags: your closet, clothes that, Hang your, hangers Place, your hangers