Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Measure A Man'S Suit Size


My business is custom alterations for men. As an alterations expert, the biggest mistake that I see when men buy suits is that they buy the wrong size. At times this can be blamed on the salesperson, but if you know what size you wear, you can be successful with you purchase. So grab a friend and tape measure and I'll tell you do it.


1. The first and most important measurement is the chest. Wearing only a tee shirt, run the tape measure around your chest under the armpit and across the nipples. The average American man measures 42-44". That is the size of the suit that you need to buy. If you measure 43" go up to a size 44.

2. The sleeve length is a little more tricky. You have to have help doing this step. At the base of you neck and at the top of the spine there is a protruding bone. Starting the end of the tape measure at that bone, measure across to the shoulder and down the outside of your arm. At the wrist bone add another inch and that is your sleeve measurement. The average American male measures 32-33". That means that you would buy a Regular length suit. In this case a 44 Regular would be the size to buy.

3. In suit sizing, the pants are generally 8" smaller in the waist than the chest size. But, don't buy a suit by any other measurement than the chest size. The suit that fits correctly in the shoulders can be adjusted to fit correctly everywhere below. Think of it like the shoulders are the roof on the house. Everything below is none consequential.

4. An inseam measurement in pants is almost a joke. Different style pants affect the measurement. A pair of jeans fits more tightly up into the crotch than a pair of dress pants. The most accurate measurement is an outseam measurement. If you have ever been measured for a tuxedo, they are interested in your outseam not your inseam measurement.

5. So that you know take the measurement for the inseam, I will tell you do it. Place the end of the measuring tape up into the crotch and measure down to one inch off the floor. The average American male measures 30-32" long in leg length. If you already buy casual pants at various stores you already know what length pants you buy.

6. When buying a suit, you have to know your measurements ahead of time. Salespeople are at the store to sell suits. Although most have your best interest at heart, they are there to sell the suits on their racks. Caveat emptor! Let the buyer beware. To save time and money, know your measurements before you go shopping.

7. Of course, you can go the route of having a custom made suit. In Philadelphia I recommend "Henry A Davidsen." They are master tailors and image consultants. Ask for Brian Lipstein.

Tags: size suit, average American, tape measure, American male, American male measures, average American male, chest size