Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Donate Clothing To Single Mothers

Single mothers face challenges that most of us can't imagine. Many single mothers work more than one job just to make ends meet, but this still doesn't leave much extra for luxuries such as clothes for themselves. The following suggestions will help you learn donate clothing to a single mother--and perhaps you just might make a positive change in her life.


1. Clean out your closet for good usable clothing that you want to donate to a single mother. Examine the clothing to make sure that it is in good condition. Include good shoes, sweaters, jackets, coats, handbags and accessories that would coordinate well with clothing you are donating.

2. Call your local churches to see if they have programs for single mothers. Many larger churches in communities have on-going programs to help and support single mothers. These are excellent locations to donate your clothing, as you know the clothing is given to a single mother who's going to make good use of it.

3. Contact outreach programs in the community at large. Many of these are support systems for single mothers, abused women in shelter locations that may be single mothers and unwed pregnant young women that will become single mothers. There are usually coordinators, ministers or caseworkers who know the sizes and needs of the particular women in their outreach programs, so your donated clothing goes to the single mother in most need at the time.

4. Get involved with clothing donations to single mothers. Many churches and outreach programs will ask or allow individuals to sponsor a single mother. One way to sponsor a single mother is to purchase clothing specifically for an individual. Through the sponsors, ministers or caseworkers you'll be able to know what the specific needs in clothing are and what type of clothing to purchase. Single mothers in difficult situations would be thrilled to receive "new clothing" that's been donated just for them.

5. Donate gift cards, gift certificates or money to shelters, churches or outreach programs specifically designed for clothing for single mothers. This will allow the coordinators, sponsors or caseworkers to purchase clothing for one or a group of single mothers.

Tags: single mother, outreach programs, single mothers, single mothers, churches outreach, churches outreach programs