Monday, July 19, 2010

Clean Rooms & Closets

Don't forget your closets when you are cleaning rooms.

Having clean rooms will help keep your home more organized, more hygienic and more efficient. Closets are often forgotten when you're housecleaning but they are an important part of housekeeping since they store many clean items and will collect dust and hair if they are not maintained. Lightly clean your rooms and closets once a week and more thoroughly every month. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Pick up all items that are on the floor and other surfaces like counter tops and on top of dressers. Sort through them. Discard garbage, donate or sell items you don't use, and put everything else away.

2. Strip linens off the bed and slipcovers or couch cushions and wash them according the the requirements of the fabric. When in doubt, use a gentle cycle and a cold water wash.

3. Wash walls with your usual cleaner or spot clean any dirty spots if you are short on time. An all-purpose household cleaner works well, or you can mix 1 cup vinegar in 1 gallon water.

4. Use a glass cleaner on the inside of the windows and dry with paper towels or newspaper. On the outside, use a long handled squeegee and clean and dry the windows quickly. The best time of day is to clean windows is in the morning or on an overcast day. Sunshine causes the cleaner to dry on the window and leave streaks.

5. Dust all surfaces with a microfiber cloth. Use a cleaner designed for the surface you are using -- a wood cleaner for wood -- or lightly mist the cloth with water so it picks up the dust without wetting the surface.

6. Vacuum the blinds with the upholstery attachment of your vacuum cleaner or wash drapes in the washing machine if desired.

7. Vacuum the floor thoroughly. Use the bare floor setting for hard floors or the carpet setting for wall-to-wall carpet. Clean under the bed, sofa and other furniture. Push the vacuum into the closet and vacuum as much of the floor as possible then use the vacuum's attachments to get into the corners of the closet and the room. Dust bunnies will collect in the corners, particularly in closets.

8. Remake the bed or put the covers back on the furniture. Rehang the drapes and straighten the rest of the room.

Tags: clean windows, will collect