Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ideas For Shared Children'S Space In A Bedroom

Ideas for Shared Children's Space in a Bedroom

A shared bedroom for your children can be low on space, and a creative attitude is needed to make the room both functional and fun. A shared room needs to be a place where siblings can see their own personality reflected, and it's important to allow older children to be involved in the decoration of their room. Maintain close living quarters without stress by adding space-saving furniture, optional room dividers and lots of storage. Does this Spark an idea?

Bunk Beds

Try a new twist on the old staple of bunkbeds for a shared room. Bunk beds now come with a variety of storage options attached that would be helpful in a small shared space. The new style of bunk beds branches off from the traditional stacked form, with new bunk beds lying perpendicular to each other. Allow your children the freedom to choose their own bedding so they feel like their style is represented in the room. For larger rooms, you could have two loft beds both with space underneath for a desk and play area, simultaneously saving space and allowing both children their own private place to play.

Creative Storage

Find beds that have storage drawers attached underneath the bed for extra storage space. For shared children's bedrooms, look for furniture that does double-duty. Window seats that are both functional as furniture and have storage areas inside are perfect for a shared room. recommends installing shelving around the whole perimeter of the children's bedroom, for an aesthetically pleasing look and for plenty of much-needed storage space.

Room Dividers

Better Homes and Gardens recommends creating a natural division in a shared children's room. In the example listed, has chosen to use a large rug and a chest of drawers to draw a natural boundary between the children's beds. If you are looking for a division that is more substantial, especially for kids that like their privacy, use a set of beaded curtains or window curtains hung from the ceiling across the center of the room. Bamboo room dividers or changing screens are also good choices here and extremely practical, since they can be picked up and moved easily in times when the children want to play together in the middle of the room.

Tags: shared room, both functional, bunk beds, Children Space, Children Space Bedroom