Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Build A Closet With Studs

Building a closet with studs requires the installation of new framing walls in your home. These walls are erected in the space where the closet is going to be. If you have previous carpentry experience, this task is probably familiar. If not, plan on taking the entire day to complete this job. Once you have your closet layout and design ready, you are set to start building. Be sure to have all your tools and supplies right on hand. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Build a frame for the side wall, if applicable. Measure and cut two 2-by-4 boards to the length of the closet side walls as per your design. This is only for closets built not to the entire length of the wall.

2. Install 2-by-4 studs in between the two boards to create a wall frame. Each stud is spaced 16 inches apart on center along the length of the boards. Cut each stud board to 3 1/4 inches shorter than the height of the ceiling. This allows room for the thickness of the 2-by-4 boards and 1/4 inch of space to install the frames once complete. If you do not leave 1/4 inch of space, the frames will not have room to tilt up and into place.

3. Build two more frames for the front side of the closet with 2-by-4 boards as instructed above. Cut your boards to the width of the closet walls, minus the opening for the door. On a six-foot-wide closet with a three-foot-wide door, build one two-foot-wide frame and one one-foot-wide frame, for instance.

4. Install the frames by nailing the boards to the floor with 3-inch nails and a hammer. Slide shims into the gap at the top of the frame and nail the frame into the ceiling.

5. Construct the closet header to match the distance between your two front wall frames. Cut two 2-by-4 boards to this length and install studs between them, 16 inches apart, with nails and a hammer. Mount the header between the two front closet wall frames.

6. Install drywall on the frames. Measure and mark the drywall to fit on the walls with a pencil and drywall ruler. Then score the drywall along the line with a razor. Snap the drywall along the scored line by hand and screw it into place on the framed walls. Tape the joints and spackle over them with joint compound and a trowel. Allow them to dry, and paint the walls with interior paint and a roller.

7. Fit the closet doorway molding around the edge of the doorway entrance and nail it into place with an air nailer and 2-inch brad nails, if you are using molding. If not, cut and install drywall on the inside of the doorjambs.

8. Mount the closet door to the doorway. For sliding closet doors, install the sliding closet door track to the upper jamb. Install the sliding door guides into the floor. Install rollers into the tops of the door. Hardware is provided for these steps with the doors. Lift the doors into the track. For bifold doors, install the sliding roller track on the top jambs, and the hinge guides on the bottom. Insert the rollers into the top two corners of each bifold door. Lift them and set into the track and guides.

Tags: 2-by-4 boards, closet with, into place, closet door, doors install