Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Make Your Own Cedar Closet

Line a closet with cedar to repel pests.

Cedar has long been the method of choice for keeping clothes, blankets and other linens smelling fresh. The smell of cedar repels moths, silverfish, roaches and other insects that can ruin fabrics without the harsh chemical odor of mothballs. Cedar chests are often used for storing quilts, blankets and other treasured items, but with just a few tools you can transform your whole closet into a cedar-lined storage area. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove baseboard and doorframe moldings carefully with the pry bar. Sketch of the layout of all closet fixtures such as shelves and shelf supports, hanging rods and hardware, and hooks. Remove them with the screwdriver and/or pry bar and set them aside.

2. Measure the closet walls carefully. Clearly mark on the wood any areas that must be cut away to allow access to light switches, fixtures or outlets.

3. Cut the cedar (panels or boards) to the proper lengths and widths, using the hand saw or circular saw. Remove electrical access cutouts with a jigsaw or hacksaw. Drill a hole in the corner of a marked cutout area, insert the saw blade and saw along the marked line.

4. Nail or glue the cedar in place on the closet walls. If you are using glue, apply the adhesive in a thin layer to both the wall and the cedar; when the glue is tacky, place the board on the wall and press the surfaces together. If you are using nails, attach the wood by nailing it to the wall studs. Use both glue and nails for extra security.

5. Replace the doorway and baseboard moldings. Refer to your sketch and replace all other fixtures and hardware.

Tags: blankets other, closet walls