Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why We Use Shoe Boxes

Shoe boxes extend the life of footwear and offer better closet organization.

If you don't protect the shoes in your closet, you might find your footwear decreases in functionality -- and in looks -- over time. Shoe boxes are sometimes conceived as bulky and old-fashioned, but the fact is they serve many valuable functions. Before simply tossing your shoes in the closet, consider how shoe boxes can add to your footwear routine. Does this Spark an idea?


Storage boxes offer protection that can extend the life of any footwear. Heavier shoes, such as boots, are less likely to harm fragile heels and sandals if they aren't mixed together. Not only can shoe boxes protect footwear, but these containers can also protect your closet from odors and tread marks.


Shoe containers can help keep your closet organized. Using shoe boxes prevents losing one shoe from the pair as well as the entanglement of straps and buckles. Placing footwear in sturdy containers can also save you time getting ready in the morning. As an added bonus, consider purchasing a few bigger boxes and adding scarves and belts you wear exclusively with certain pairs of shoes.


Aside from their practical functions, shoe boxes may also add decorative flair to your closet. Shoes of various types and colors showcased through clear boxes can instantly liven up your closet. Other types of shoe boxes may have decorative handles on the sides that add a bit of flair while making it possible to open the containers without removing them.

Reusing Cardboard Shoe Boxes

While buying shoe storage boxes can be the ultimate method of protection and organization for your favorite footwear, discarding the store's cardboard boxes can be wasteful. The original boxes can still offer ample protection when stored properly in your closet. The problem is you can't see through them. Solve this dilemma by taking pictures of the shoes and attaching the photos to the outside of the boxes. If you still prefer the ease or looks of storage boxes, consider reusing the original cardboard boxes for other household uses. These can be efficient organizational tools for pantries, offices, drawers and photographs.

Tags: your closet, shoe boxes, boxes still, cardboard boxes, containers also