Monday, February 27, 2012

Hang Wall Baskets For Office Use

Organize a messy office with wall baskets.

With office floor space at a premium, the use of storage cupboards, filing cabinets and compacting shelving systems is becoming too expensive for day-to-day office use. Managers are looking for inexpensive alternatives that are quick to install and provide ready access for their staffs. The solution is to hang wall baskets. If an extensive system of wall baskets is needed, consider hiring expert installers. If, however, you need to install only a few wire baskets, this is a relatively simple task.


1. Purchase a wire storage basket from your office-supply store. It usually includes the required fixing devices.

2. Locate the wall stud using the stud sensor. Mark the position of the stud. Tap a fine nail into the wall where the mark is. This will confirm the presence of a wall stud. Do not use the electric drill to mark the wall stud. You may hit a power cable or water pipe, with disastrous results.

3. Use the fixing devices that came with the basket to fasten one side of it to the stud. This may require the use of the electric drill.

4. Hold the basket level and place a spirit level on the top of it. Adjust the tilt of the basket until it is level. Mark the position of the other fastening point on the wall.

5. Insert a hollow wall anchor into the fastening point using the electric drill. This is necessary because it is unlikely that there will be anything solid behind this section of the wall. The anchor supports the weight of the basket and its contents.

Insert the other fixing device into the anchor.

6. Hang the basket from the fixing devices. Repeat the steps for additional baskets.

Tags: electric drill, fixing devices, wall stud, basket from, fastening point