Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ideas For Organizing A Small Master Bedroom

Investing in a closet organizer may help keep your small master bedroom organized.

For most homeowners, maintaining an organized, clutter-free home is a challenge. When you are dealing with smaller rooms that do not offer much storage space, it can be even more difficult. In particular, a small master bedroom often lends itself to disorganization because there is simply not enough space for all the necessary items in the room. However, there are ways to maintain order in a small bedroom if you eliminate clutter and think creatively about storage solutions. Does this Spark an idea?

Remember the Room's Purpose

In many homes, the master bedroom becomes a catchall for various objects and is used to serve multiple purposes. The best way to keep your master bedroom organized is to use it solely for sleeping. Do not place a television or entertainment center in the room, and avoid placing a desk or other home office equipment in the space as well. If your master bedroom is allowed to function solely as a quiet place to sleep, you will find that it is much easier to keep organized.

Remove Clutter from Dresser and Bedside Tables

In most rooms of the house, flat surfaces are likely to collect odds and ends and quickly become cluttered. In a bedroom, the dresser and bedside tables are the most likely spots where you will find yourself placing miscellaneous items. Add baskets or small trays to hold appropriate items such as makeup, perfume, hairpins, jewelry, medication, eye drops and lotion. Storage containers like these help make you aware when clutter is collecting because only items that belong in the basket or on the tray should be in your bedroom. Eliminating unnecessary clutter from the top of your dresser and bedside tables will instantly give your small master bedroom a neater, more organized look.

Make Use of Under-Bed Storage

Under-bed storage is an ideal solution for smaller master bedrooms. Some beds are equipped with drawers beneath the mattress, but even if your bed does not provide storage, you can purchase plastic boxes or bins that fit perfectly under a bed. These boxes may be used to store clothing, shoes, family photo albums, gift-wrapping supplies and other items that you do not require on a daily basis. If you are on a budget, fill suitcases with these types of items and stow the luggage under your bed.

Install a Closet Organizer

If you are sharing the master bedroom with a partner, it can be difficult to fit two sets of clothing and shoes in such a small space. Closet organizers are an effective tool in maximizing closet space and keeping your bedroom organized. You can purchase pre-made closet storage systems from home improvement and mass merchandise stores, or use a company that makes custom closet organizers to design a system that specifically meets your small bedroom's needs. Once you have a closet organizer in place, remember to periodically sort through your clothing and shoes to purge your wardrobe of any items that you have not worn in six months or more.

Tags: master bedroom, bedroom organized, clothing shoes, items that, small master, small master bedroom