Friday, January 18, 2013

Hang A Closet Door

Closets are used to store items that you need access to, but may not want publicly displayed, such as linens, paper goods, canned food, clothes, toys, or shoes. Many homeowners install bifold closet doors, which are slim and compact and keep the contents of a closet hidden without taking up a lot of space. Bifold doors are available in a variety of sizes, styles and colors and allow full access to closets in bedrooms, laundry rooms and utility rooms. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the width and height of the closet door opening with a tape measure to make sure your bifold door fits.

2. Place the header track in the center of the top of the opening, then mark with a pencil the location of the screw holes on the surface of the opening.

3. Drill pilot holes where the screws will go, using a drill outfitted with a drill bit that's a size smaller than the installation screws. Once the pilot hole is made, line up the header track properly and screw it in place, using the drill.

4. Slide the pivot floor brackets into position on the header track, making sure they're 1/4 inch away from the door frame.

5. Hang a plumb bob (small metal weight) from the center of the header track to align the pin hole in the pivot bracket front to back, then mark with a pencil the location of the pivot bracket at the bottom of the door frame.

6. Push the guide pins into the pre-drilled holes at the top of the door, using your fingers, and gently tap them into place, using a hammer. Push the adjustable pivots into the pre-drilled holes at the bottom of the door, using your fingers, and gently tap them into place with the hammer.

7. Fold the bifold closet door, lift it from the jamb side and hook the guide pin of the top pivot bracket plate into the pivot socket in the upper track to hang the door. Close the closet door and lift it forward so that the adjustable pivots catch onto the pivot brackets at the bottom of the bifold door.

8. Align the pivot bracket with the pencil marking you made at the bottom of the door frame in step 5, then screw it in place, using the drill.

9. Tighten the pivot sockets on the track, using a wrench to align the closet door. According to Bob Vila, screwing the pivot tighter or looser adjusts the height of the door and corrects alignment.

Tags: closet door, header track, pivot bracket, bottom door, door frame, place using