Friday, August 31, 2012

Sew A Shoe Storage Bag

Shoe storage bags are useful for storing out-of-season shoes. You can put them in a location, other than your closet, and know that they will stay dust-free and in good shape until you need them again. Shoe storage bags are also handy when you are packing for a trip. They keep both shoes in one location while keeping the rest of your packed items from getting soiled by the soles of the shoes. The best part about shoe storage bags is that they are simple to make with only basic sewing skills.


1. Purchase your fabric. One-third yard of a thick cotton fabric is perfect. Also buy 18 inches of 1/2-inch satin ribbon and thread to match the fabric.

2. Cut the fabric. The fabric will come folded in half. Measure 15 inches from the fold and cut across. The width of the fabric should already be perfect at 12 inches, which is 1/3 yard.

3. Turn the fabric so that the right sides are facing. Pin each side of the fabric from the fold to the top raw selvage. Sew both sides with a 1/2-inch seam.

4. Press the seams open. Turn over 1/4 inch on the top raw edge. Press.Turn over another 3/4 inch. Press the fold.

5. Pin the fold. Sew all the way around, close to the inside fold, except for an opening of 2 inches.

6. Attach a large safety pin to one end of the ribbon. Push the safety pin into one side of the opening and work it through the fabric tube to the opposite side. Pull enough of the ribbon through until both sides of the ribbon are even. Turn the bag right side out. After putting a pair of shoes in the bag, pull both sides of the ribbon to close the bag and tie a bow.

Tags: both sides, storage bags, both sides ribbon, fabric fabric, from fold, Shoe storage