Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mothproof With Cedar Oil

Use cedar oil in distilled form to reinvigorate old cedar wood in closets, shavings, sachets, balls and chests. It will also repel moths. Follow these tips. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase good quality cedar essential oil. Look for this at an aromatherapy store or other business that sells quality essential oils. Sometimes, cedar oils sold in hardware and home improvement stores are diluted, and thus not as effective as the pure essential oil. By using inferior or too-diluted oil, you defeat the purpose because the scent won't last very long. The object of using cedar oil on cedar wood is to bring back the strong scent that repels wool-munching moths and other gnawing insects.

2. Paint the new cedar oil on existing wood. Remove the decanter top from the essential oil bottle. Dip a soft, round-tip artist's paint brush in the bottle and saturate the hairs. Remove drips on the side of the bottle and then paint the old wood with the strong, new scent. Not every inch of wood needs to be painted since the oil will spread and small amounts are very aromatic.

3. Refresh cedar wood shavings, which can quickly lose their scent since so much of the wood surface is exposed to air. Wood shavings are commonly sold in already-bundled netting or other kinds of pre-packing for use in drawers and closets. Dot new cedar oil onto the packet liberally to refresh aroma. If the shavings are loose, pour them into a non-porous bowl and sprinkle with cedar oil, mixing and turning until a uniform coating is achieved.

4. Dab cedar oil onto cedar wood blocks and wooden sachet balls. Let the oil soak in before placing these near clothing. Be liberal with the essential oil. The wood can absorb a lot without becoming oily to the touch, and the scent will be even stronger against moths and other indoor bugs.

5. Make an effective spray by diluting cedar oil with alcohol, instead of vegetable oil or water, and putting it into a small spritzing bottle. The alcohol evaporates quickly and doesn't affect the overall potency of the oil. Alcohol also is safer to use in areas where the refreshed cedar wood may come into contact with clothing and an oil solution cause stains.

Tags: cedar wood, cedar onto, moths other, strong scent