Friday, July 8, 2011

Build Open Shelving

Build open shelves to store and display items.

Open shelving serves two main purposes: storage and display. Often these purposes are intertwined, such as open shelves used to display as well as to store a series of vintage books or a collection of dolls. Attractive and affordable open shelving options are rare, and matching the shelving to existing decor can further complicate your shelving search. Create your own DIY open shelving to save money in your design budget as well as to customize the shelving's appearance, size and overall functionality. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Cut your board to your desired shelf length.

2. Sand the board to prepare it for paint. Paint the board and brackets in matching or different colors, as desired. Seal your work with paint finish once the paint has dried. Allow the finish to completely dry before proceeding.

3. Find the studs beneath the drywall in the area where you want to install your open shelving; normally, studs are located anywhere from 1 foot to 3 feet apart. Mark the locations of two studs that are next to each other with a light pencil mark; you'll install the brackets directly to the studs.

4. Hold your shelf against the wall against the studs' locations at the desired height for your shelf. Set a level on top of the shelf to check your shelf's position for evenness. Draw a straight line directly beneath the shelf from stud to stud, using the shelf as your straight edge. Mark the location of the studs on the underside of the shelf.

5. Set the shelf down with the underside facing up. Using the shorter screws, screw the brackets' shorter legs to the shelf through the screw hole on the brackets and at the stud location markings; the brackets should be positioned with their longer legs sticking up and flush against the edge.

6. Fit the shelf against the wall again, using the line you drew to find the proper placement. Screw the brackets directly to the studs beneath the wall using the longer screw, going through the screw holes on the brackets.

Tags: your shelf, against wall, brackets directly, brackets directly studs, directly studs, open shelves, open shelving