Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Write On An Electronic Weekly Organizer

Smartphones and computers can organize a weekly calendar.

Keeping a weekly schedule organizes the day and week to accomplish goals and stay on track with work, school, study or any other projects in life. With a busy schedule, it can make the difference between forgetting important events and getting to events early and prepared. An electronic weekly organizer is a program downloaded to either a computer or a mobile device like a smart phone.


1. Download an organizer to either a computer or a mobile device. Some mobile devices will come with a weekly organizer so this is unnecessary to do if there is already an organizer. There are free downloads available at a variety of downloading websites such as Free Download Center or Morun (see Resources).

2. Open the organizer when it finishes downloading. Look over the format. Usual formats have the days of the week listed or are listed in a date order.

3. Type in the information for the day and week according to the listed times. If using a mobile device with a touch screen, use the pen to write the schedule by hand or type in the schedule via the keyboard. To type in various times, select the time slot with either a mouse or the touch screen and then type or write the data.

Tags: mobile device, computer mobile, computer mobile device, either computer, either computer mobile, touch screen, weekly organizer