Thursday, May 24, 2012

Organize Large Amounts Of Children'S Craft Supplies That Are Alike

You can organize kids' craft supplies without spending a fortune.

Kids' craft supplies are inexpensive and plentiful and can quickly overwhelm your crafting space. Organizing large amounts of children's craft supplies will help you find what you need, when you need it. It will also keep you from wasting money on duplicate supplies. These ideas will work in the classroom, for a homeschool, or for a club or other organization--or just a family that really enjoys crafting. Gather up a few basic supplies and set aside an hour or two to get organized and learn stay that way. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Sort the supplies you have into piles. The number, size and type of your piles will depend on the types of crafts you do. Place all crayons into a single pile, and put glues and adhesives in another. Make piles out of whatever items you have, keeping the piles broad. "Scissors" is a good pile of like items--you don't need separate piles for "blue handled scissors" and "red handled scissors."

2. Evaluate your items to see what you can get rid of. If you spot any obvious trash, put it in a garbage bag for disposal. If you have items that are still useful, but you don't want to keep, put them in a cardboard box for distribution. Use a permanent marker to write "give away" on the box. You can donate these items to a thrift shop, daycare or other facility when your room organization is complete.

Make sure every item you decide to keep is in working condition and is something you will actually use for crafting.

Place the garbage bag in the trash and remove the cardboard "give away" box from the room.

3. Look at the craft supplies left and figure out what type of storage items you need, and how many of each type. You may need flat shelves for paper, boxes for crayons and markers, storage boxes for beads and embellishments, and large boxes for balls of yarn and string. Make a list of what you need, including the number of containers you need to store everything safely and neatly.

4. Choose containers for your supplies. Look at home first, and see if you can adapt or reuse an item you already own. Oatmeal and baby formula canisters work well for tall items like pencils and paintbrushes, and accordion folders can hold stickers and special paper. If you need shelving, add or purchase enough to fit all of your supplies.

5. Store each type of craft supply in a separate container. Use a permanent marker to label the container so you will remember what is inside. Place the containers on shelves or in a closet as you complete them, and make sure items like scissors are on a high shelf if you don't want small children to have access to them.

Tags: craft supplies, craft supplies, each type, give away, handled scissors, items like