Thursday, June 20, 2013

Laundry Room Organization Ideas

Whether you have a laundry room or just a laundry closet, organizational tools can help you keep everything you need within reach. An organized space makes quick work of the laundry chore. Does this Spark an idea?


Mount shelves above the washer and dryer for storing an iron, starch, stain removers, detergents and other laundry aids. Wire bins work well for storing like items, and the wire lets you easily see what the bin contains.


A cupboard with safety locks can store products that should be kept out of the reach of children.

Hanging Rod

A rod to immediately hang clothing is a time saver and helps prevent unnecessary wrinkles. Keep hangers ready and available.

Drying Rack

A foldable drying rack is a necessity for articles that are delicate. Collapse and store the rack when it is not being used.

Fold-Down Ironing Board

A small ironing board that mounts to the wall and then drops down for easy use makes ironing more organized.


Large, collapsible, mesh bins can be used for holding clothing to be washed at different water temperatures. Stow them away when they are not being used.

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