Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Create A Storage Closet Under The Stairs

Using the space underneath a flight of stairs as a storage closet is a common practice; those few extra square feet of space can provide a great deal of organizational power and create an easily accessible location for things like vacuums, brooms, toys, or other objects that are typically stored. Making a storage closet under your stairs will take a few minutes of work, and will result in something that will be consistently useful. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Empty out the space under the stairs. Remove any objects that are inside the space and sweep it out with a broom and a vacuum cleaner.

2. Wipe down the inside walls with a rag, soap, and warm water. Cleaning the space under the stairs will make it usable for storing frequently used items that shouldn't be dirtied.

3. Place a shelving unit or small bookshelf in the storage closet to store small items, excess books or movies, or other items that can be shelved. Purchase a shelf that fits inside your closet but leaves room for the storage of other items.

4. Organize the items you want to store in the space under the stairs and place them in bins or baskets. Label the bins with a permanent marker so that you know what is inside them.

Tags: space under, space under stairs, items that, objects that, other items, stairs will