Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stop Sleepwalking Episodes

Stop Sleepwalking Episodes

Sleepwalking is a sleeping ailment that results in frequent episodes of walking, sitting, talking and even urinating while asleep. Adults can experience symptoms consistent with sleepwalking; however, this condition is most commonly experienced by children. While few doctors actually treat sleepwalking, there are things people can do to prevent sleepwalking from occurring and to minimize its effects.


1. Increase the number of hours you sleep per night. Sleepwalking is more common when people are sleep deprived.

2. Keep a consistent sleep routine. Go to sleep at the same time every night. Try to wake up at the same time every morning. Maintain a strict sleeping schedule for children who sleepwalk.

3. Engage in calming activities before going to sleep. Read a book or listen to soft music. Avoid activities that heighten your nervous system such as watching television. Encourage children to relax before bedtime.

4. Limit fluid intake prior to going to sleep as this can induce sleepwalking incidents.

5. Control stress to reduce sleepwalking incidents. Stress can exacerbate sleepwalking incidents.

6. Maintain a record of sleepwalking episodes. If you notice that it occurs at the same time each evening, then set an alarm to wake yourself or your child prior to when the sleepwalking normally occurs.

Tags: same time, sleepwalking incidents, going sleep, same time every, Sleepwalking Episodes, Stop Sleepwalking, Stop Sleepwalking Episodes