Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kitchen & Closet Organization Tools

A well organized closet makes it easier to find things.

One way to minimize clutter is to have a kitchen junk drawer or a junk closet in one room or hallway. These are the areas that can be difficult to organize. Often the first step to organizing an area is to decide what needs to be there and what does not. Once you decide that, you can use some simple tools to help you keep your problem areas clean and clutter-free. Does this Spark an idea?


In a closet, shelves are often the main form of storage. You can use them for many things, from folded clothes to shoes to books. One common organizational method is to store frequently used items on bottom shelves and less frequently used items up higher. This same system works well in a kitchen pantry. Store frequently used ingredients closer to the bottom of the pantry and large or seldom used ones on top shelves.


Whether you are reorganizing your kitchen space or a closet, drawers are a convenient place to store a multitude of small items. In the kitchen, use drawers with organizers or dividers to store silverware, utensils, or small gadgets. In closet drawers, you can store jewelry, small tools or even clothes. When selecting drawers for a closet, fit them to what you want to store. Keep drawers organized by frequently going through them and removing items you don't use often.


Containers can help you make any closet or kitchen storage space more versatile. When they are combined with shelves, containers can help you designate different areas for different items. When combined with drawers, containers can keep small items together and organized. Containers come in many different shapes, sizes and types of material. In closets, square and rectangular containers can store shoes, sweaters or linens. In a kitchen, containers can store spices, dry goods or cereal.


Labels tell you where things belong.

Although they do not actually store anything, labels are an essential part of an effective organizational system. Labels help you to know what goes where. You can label shelves, drawers or containers so that everyone knows what is supposed to be inside. You can use a label maker or simply blank labels and a pen. Some people take a picture of the contents of a container and use that picture as a label.

Tags: frequently used, closet drawers, combined with, containers store, drawers containers