Friday, April 20, 2012

Coat Storage Ideas

Coat Storage Ideas

When the winter season comes to a close, it's time to make room for summer wardrobes. Taking the time to store your coats and other winter belongings helps you assess what you want to keep or get rid of. Storing your coats in accessible and manageable locations will make the shift from summer to winter a swift and relaxing organization project. Does this Spark an idea?

Closet Storage

Storing coats in a closet is the easiest method. If you don't have a closet for winter storage, designate one in your living space. Storing your coats on hangers keeps them off the floor and clean. If you don't have a hanging pole, purchase affordable hooks that fit the needs of the coats you have (winter or windbreaker coats, for example). If you cannot designate an entire closet for winter storage, hang what coats you can in an area of the closet you use least.

Storage Bins

Storage bins are great if you prefer storing items in areas other than just a closet. Different sizes are available in wide varieties, so purchase within your budget and storing needs. If you prefer to store coats in bins under your bed, purchase flatter bins rather than taller bins. If you plan to store your bin on a shelving units, be sure the shelf is large enough. Label the outside of the bin "winter coats" or whatever helps you recall the contents of the bin. If you have other winter items to store in bins, coats can also offer padded protection for valuable items.

Modern Storage

Aside from traditional coat racks or hooks, there are ways to store your coats using decorative furniture and accessories. IKEA offers a storage line called Molger that includes and a bench and storage stool. This setup allows you to add storage containers which can include wicker baskets, lightweight boxes or wooden boxes. Space can be an issue depending on your living area, but a solution that benefits small spaces is The Wardrobe. The Wardrobe from West Elm is a freestanding piece of furniture that can easily be moved around to fit your design and organization needs.

Tags: your coats, store your, closet winter, closet winter storage, Coat Storage, Coat Storage Ideas