Thursday, December 31, 2009

Diy Closet Makeovers

A cluttered closet needs a makeover to be usable.

A disorganized closet or one that is too full can get out of hand, making finding clothes or storing items difficult. Closets are often used to hold not only clothes, but linens, luggage and seasonal clothing as well as shoes, coats or valuables, so keeping the space organized is crucial. Luckily, you can give your closet a makeover by pulling out the items and sorting them by type. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove every item from the inside of the closet and sort into four categories. Sort into damaged or ruined items for trash; donation for items you don't want; items you're certain you want to keep; and items you're unsure about keeping or donating.

2. Make a decision about the items of which you are unsure. Sort the items you want to keep into categories based on the type of item. Separate into shoes, shirts, pants, linens, towels or luggage.

3. Place any shirts onto hangers. Hang the shirts in the closet sorted by color, grouping similar colors together. Hang pants, skirts and dresses in the same manner as well as coats or jackets. Keep the items in sorted order on the clothing rod.

4. Push the hangers to one side of the closet to leave a 1-foot-wide space for a stacking set of wire mesh bins or a tower-style book shelf. Install the bins or shelves along one side of the closet.

5. Place folded items such as linens, towels or sweaters on the installed shelves. Sort by color. Place ties, belts or handbags on these shelves as well or in a small storage bin that can sit on the shelf.

6. Place shoes in one to two rows on the floor below your hanging clothes. Pair these appropriately and sort by function, such as sneakers or dress shoes. Purchase a clear plastic shoebox-size bin for each pair of shoes. This allows you to stack the boxes into two to three rows of shoes and still see the shoes inside.

7. Store seldom-used items neatly on shelves above your hanging clothes, in solid-colored bins or in another area of the house. Consider placing small enough items into storage under your bed, if possible, to keep these out of the closet.

Tags: hanging clothes, items want, linens towels, side closet, want keep, your hanging