Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Declutter A Wardrobe

Organization is the key to decluttering an armoire.

A wardrobe (sometimes called an armoire), is a tall, free-standing piece of furniture that is designed to hold clothing. This furniture piece was created prior to the use of closets, when people seldom had more than three or four sets of clothing and everything could be stored in one piece. In tight spaces, such as small apartments, wardrobes are often added because existing storage and closet space is inadequate. However, people often cram the wardrobe so full that it becomes difficult to remove a single hanging garment or close the wardrobe doors. That's when it is time to declutter. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Remove everything from your wardrobe. Vacuum, brush, wipe and clean the inside of your wardrobe. Towel the wood dry.

2. Hang wooden hangers--not more than one hanger per inch of closet rod--to reduce jamming and allow for hanging of coats as well as thinner items. Keep to the rule that your wardrobe has a limit; if you buy something new, remove something else from the wardrobe and sell or donate it. No new hangers should be added.

3. Go through your current hanging clothing and select those pieces which are the most current, in the best condition, are the best fit, and look the best on you. If your wardrobe is your only closet (such as in some college-student type room rentals) then you will want to select clothing that can be mixed and matched with other pieces to extend your clothing selections. Remember, if you jam clothing into your wardrobe, everything will become wrinkled.

4. Insert your baskets onto your open shelves. Baskets or fitted boxes are a good choice because they prevent clothing from falling behind the folded clothing up front and they make accessing clothing easier, which will tend to keep clothing in better condition. You will probably have one basket for underwear, one for socks and stockings, and one for t-shirts. Store folded sweaters, night clothing, or gym clothing in the second row.

5. Go through the folded clothing you already have and fill your baskets. Remove or discard anything old, damaged, outdated, too small or too large, or not used. Try not to stuff your baskets. Fold each piece properly and sort your clothes in a logical way so that they are easy to locate later.

6. Go through your shoes and use discretion to select shoes that fit the best, are the most comfortable, and in the best condition. Select one type of shoe for each occasion. If you have extra room, don't fill it; you still have accessories to store. Place hats, gloves, winter scarves and other accessory items in a basket next to your shoes if you have room. Your formal or business shoes should have forms in them.

7. Install your optional tie rack to the inside door of the wardrobe (you might want to hang accessory hooks). The other door should have a mirror for full-length viewing.

8. Hang your best ties, belts, thin scarves and other accessories on the inside of the door. Now, close the door. Everything should be in the donation or to be sold boxes or in a garbage bag destined for trash. You may still have hats to store but a few good hatboxes can sit atop most wardrobes and keep hats pristine.

Tags: your wardrobe, your baskets, best condition, folded clothing, inside door