Monday, April 8, 2013

Choose An Organizer

Professional organizers can help bring order to closets.

When you have decided to hire a professional organizer to bring order to your home and your life, asking the right questions can guide you to a satisfactory choice. Break down your search into specific categories. Ask a potential professional organizer about her background, her fees and what services she offers. Review the answers to these questions to measure applicants' suitability for the job you need to have done. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Find a professional organizer through local and online service directories. Read coupons from distributors, such as ValPak, which comes free in the mail each month. Call a selection of companies to make appointments. Note organizers who specialize in areas, such as clients with attention deficit disorder, ADD, or organizers with custom filing services, suggests the National Association of Professional Organizers NAPO.

2. Investigate the professional organizer's background and credentials. Ask questions, including how long the person has been organizing on a professional basis, advises the Online Organizing website. Request an employment history to get an idea of the person's ability to maintain lasting employment. Ask for references with contact information and follow up by contacting these people.

3. Compare fee structures for different professional organizers. Ask if a provider charges by the hour or by the project. Offer an applicant a contract for services, detailing cancellation policies, additional fees for holidays and evening services and any guarantees for services. Look for bonded professionals.

4. Obtain a list of services available. Inform applicants if your household project entails meeting unusual needs, such as working around persons with disabilities and senior citizens.

Tags: professional organizer, bring order