Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Simplify A Wardrobe

Simplify a Wardrobe

Less can be more when it comes to a woman's wardrobe. If you have a closet full of clothes, but always feel you have nothing to wear, it's time to simplify your wardrobe. You'll have a great feeling when you open those closet doors and know, without a doubt, that you look fantastic in every piece of clothing there. Simplicity is key.


1. Sort your wardrobe by pulling everything out of your closet. If you haven't worn something in a year, it needs to go to the donation pile. Whether it's because it no longer fits or it was just a bad purchase, letting it hang in your closet only makes you feel guilty.

2. Shop your own closet first. Before putting anything back, try putting outfits together. What can you recycle? What needs some minor repairs? Try mixing pieces you've never worn together. You may discover an entire new wardrobe right in your closet!

3. Decide to build your simple wardrobe around just a few colors. You probably already have a lot of pieces in a basic color you like. Many women choose black, because it's a color that's easy to dress up or down. It's also a slimming color. The "little black dress" can go from Saturday shopping when you pair it with flip flops and a casual bag to dinner at the nicest place in town when you switch to pearls and high heels. If you don't look good in black, consider navy, khaki or even a bright color like red. Building around one color will be a big help in simplifying.

4. Develop a shopping list of what you need to purchase. Simplify your wardrobe by getting a quality over quantity mindset. It's better to have one superior black skirt than five that are poorly made.

5. Accessorize your basic pieces with colorful accents. Shoes, purses, scarves and jewellery can really change the look of simple, black silk pants.

6. Decide to streamline your clothes shopping. Don't buy something just because it's on sale. Remember that if you buy an expensive piece and wear it several times a week, you've made a good investment in a simple wardrobe.

Tags: your closet, your wardrobe, color like, simple wardrobe, Simplify Wardrobe, wardrobe have