Friday, March 16, 2012

Organize With A Peg Board

For the organizationally challenged, tackling a big project can seem like a form of slow torture. However, cleaning out and organizing problem areas, like the garage, closets or the kitchen, does not have to be an experiment in terror. You can use vertical space to store clutter by utilizing the versatility of a pegboard, which can get everyday items off the counters and out of drawers into a visible work of organizational art. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the area where you want to hang the pegboard. Ideal places to use this material are in closets, garage walls and even at the back of kitchen cabinets. Once you determine the size of the pegboard you need, you will need to use a saw to cut the material down to the proper size.

2. Locate studs using a studfinder, and mark their location with a pencil. It is important to hang the pegboard using the studs so that it will be able to safely support the weight of the items you add to it.

3. Attach the pegboard to the wall using a drill and wall screws. It may be helpful to have a second person hold the pegboard against the wall while you drive in the screws.

4. Determine what you need to store on the pegboard. You can use hangers to hold utensils, tools, rolls of tape or ribbon and anything else that can be hung. Heavy or large items can be stored on shelves that are held up by special brackets made just for pegboards. Place the hangers and shelves in a manner that best accommodates the items you need to store.

5. Use paint and a thin paintbrush to outline the shape of hanging items. This will allow you to easily spot where items need to be stored when you are done using them. Since one of the benefits to pegboards is that you can easily change the configuration, you may need to repaint the whole board if you reorganize it in the future.

Tags: hang pegboard, items need, need store