Friday, March 9, 2012

Cheap Organizing Ideas

You don't have to spend a lot of money when organizing your home or office.

An organized home or office is an easier place to work. It takes less time to find the items you need, and you can accomplish more. But shelving, filing cabinets and other organizational supplies can be expensive. However, you can use inexpensive items--or things you already have--to get your house or office in order.


Install medium to large hooks on the back of doors or on the side of a dresser or other furnishing, and hang your hats, scarves and coats on the hooks. The hooks provide a cheap way to keep everyday accessories organized and at your fingertips, without buying an expensive coat rack. You also can use hooks to hang coffee cups, pots and pans in your kitchen if you don't have a lot of cabinet space.

Ice Trays

Use ice trays to store small items like screws, earrings, buttons, tacks and other items that may get lost or clutter your space. Place the ice trays in a drawer or on a shelf in your garage, kitchen or other area.

Cardboard Boxes, Plastic Tubs

Use cardboard and plastic tubs to store toys, games, files, computer discs and other items in your home or office. The tubs are available at discount stores in a variety of sizes, including large ones for holding holiday items. For storing smaller items, use tubs from hand wipes or baby wipes. You also can store things in cardboard boxes that once held copier paper; the boxes are large and very durable.

Empty Jars

Use empty glass or plastic jars to store loose change, office supplies like paper clips, building supplies like nails, and other small items. Empty jars let you see the jar's contents and are easy to keep clean--just wipe them off with a damp cloth.

Cereal Boxes

Use empty cereal boxes to store magazines, printed emails, booklets and other documents instead of tossing them in a drawer or kitchen cabinet. Cover the cereal boxes with contact paper or newspaper to make them look more attractive or professional.

Laundry Bags

Laundry bags are excellent for storing dirty clothes, but also can be used to store sheets, clothes you are not wearing, leftover fabric scraps and other items. Store the laundry bags on hooks so they don't take up too much space in a closet or other area. If you sew, make your own laundry bags out of pieces of scrap fabric.


For photos, craft supplies and your kid's art supplies, use cardboard shoeboxes to store the items. Label the outside of each shoebox with a marker so you know what is inside.

Old Tupperware

You can use old Tupperware or other plastic plastic containers to store makeup, compact discs, office supplies and other items. In the kitchen, use the plastic containers to store packets of condiments.

Tags: other items, home office, cereal boxes, containers store, office supplies, other area