Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Build A Workshop Computer Cabinet

If you want a computer in your workshop, you need to protect it

Having a computer in your workshop allows you to store schematics, look for solutions to problems, and separate your work area from the rest of the house. A computer in the workshop needs to be protected from dust and electrical surges, though, while requiring adequate ventilation. You also need to be able to turn the computer on and off without exposing it to dust from the workshop.


1. Build a plywood box approximately four inches wider, longer and higher than your computer case. Put the computer case inside the box and mark the location of the back plate (where all the connectors are) on the back wall of the box. Cut a 2-inch hole on the mark.

2. Take the cables you need to plug into your computer (mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc.), measure eight inches from the plug and tape the cables together.

3. Cut a 4-inch hole on one of the sides of the box. Use a side that is easily accessible because that hole will be used to provide fresh air with an air filter.

4. Use a thin dab of silicon around the edge of the filter support and screw it over the hole.

5. Secure the weather stripping around the edge of the door.

6. Secure the door in place, leaving a 1/4-inch gap between the door and the frame for the insulation.

7. Cut a piece of plywood the same dimension as the outside of the box to use as a door. Secure the hinges to the door. Secure the lock to the door and confirm that the seal around the door is tight.

8. Wrap the insulation tightly around the cables where you taped them until it's a little larger than two inches around. Wedge the cable in the hole and make sure they fit tightly. Secure the cable to the box with tape.

9. Put the computer case inside the box and plug the cables to it and close the door after turning the computer on. Follow the manufacturer's manual to enter the BIOS. Use the option "Wake on USB" or "Wake on Keyboard" to be able to use your keyboard to turn the computer on without opening the door.

Tags: computer case, door Secure, around edge, case inside, computer case inside, computer without, computer your