Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Design Your Own Shelving Unit

Shelving units allow you to maximize storage space in your home. Closets, dens, basements and utility rooms are all prime locations for a shelving unit. Although you can purchase a prefabricated unit, designing your own allows for maximum use of the space in your home. And you can customize it according to your personal preferences. You can also make it removable so that you can take it with you if you should move to another home. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Draw a rudimentary sketch of the area where you plan to install the shelving unit. Leave enough space on the drawing to add measurements.

2. Measure the space where you will install the shelving unit. Write the measurements on your sketch.

3. Calculate the number of shelves you can have in the unit. For example, take the height measurement from Step 2 and divide it by the height for each shelf, such as 10 or 12 inches.

4. Visit a home-improvement center to get ideas for the materials you can use. Stained wood may be the best choice for a den, while metal is fine for a basement or garage. Compare your sketch to prefabricated designs to get more ideas for your shelves.

Tags: shelving unit, install shelving, install shelving unit, space your, space your home, your home