Friday, May 3, 2013

Proper Storage Of Oxygen Tanks At Home

Proper Storage of Oxygen Tanks at Home

People who have lung disorders may be given oxygen treatment which may be short or long term. Home oxygen treatment requires storage of the oxygen tanks, also called oxygen cylinders. The three basic types of oxygen treatments are called compressed, liquid and concentrators. Oxygen does not explode. The danger with oxygen is that it does help increase the intensity and temperature of anything already burning and may also cause combustion or objects to catch on fire. Therefore safe storage of tanks is important in using oxygen at home.


You will need some supplies to help you store the oxygen tanks properly. If you will be using oxygen for a long time, one option is to purchase a special storage cabinet designed to hold oxygen tanks. These cabinets are made with heavy-gauge metal to protect your tanks from damage or tampering and to store securely in upright position. If you do not buy a cabinet, you can purchase nonflammable containers or brackets that can hold the tanks in an upright position from your local hardware store. You also need notices that your home has oxygen tanks. Sometimes, the company where you purchase the tanks will supply you with decals, but if not, you can purchase or make notices for your doors and windows where tanks are used or stored.


Choosing a safe location for storage is important. Select a well-ventilated place. Do not store in a garage or where flammable cleaners or materials are kept. Choose a storage area that is not near furnaces or heaters, stoves, fireplaces, vehicle trunks, direct sunlight or electrical equipment. Finding a location that you can lock to prevent tampering or accidental damage to the tank or valves is preferred.


Make sure that the oxygen tanks you are given are labeled and are the correct ones. Check the cylinder for any signs of damage to the tank or the valves. Make certain the valves are turned off. Return any tank with a problem immediately.


Put the tanks in the location you have chosen or in the storage cabinet if you bought one. Make sure the tanks are stored in an upright position. Do not cover with cloth or flammable material. Lock the room or cabinet if possible.


Take the oxygen tank notices and place on your doors and windows. Contact your local fire department to notify them that you have oxygen tanks at your home. In case of a fire they have measures they need to take to safely deal with the additional hazard.

Tags: oxygen tanks, upright position, damage tank, damage tank valves, doors windows, Make sure, oxygen tanks