Monday, May 13, 2013

Organize Your Shoes Purses And Scarves

Keep track of your shoes, even those in storage.

Picture yourself leaving the house perfectly accessorized - and on time -- without the frustration of digging through boxes, the back of the closet and under the bed for the perfect shoes, matching purse and scarf. If out of sight, out of mind is the problem, organize your accessories for easy access. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Take out the shoe boxes stacked in the closet, if that's where you keep all the shoes you don't wear every day. Sort through the boxes and throw out or donate shoes that hurt your feet -- no matter how beautiful -- and shoes that have gone out of style or that you haven't worn in years.

2. Take a digital picture of each pair of shoes you are keeping. Download the pictures to your computer and print out small pictures on plain paper. Cut out the pictures and tape them to the ends of the shoeboxes. Stack the remaining boxes back in your closet, pictures facing out. Now, when you are looking for shoes scan the color pictures to find just the right pair without rummaging through the boxes.

3. Pull your purses out from their storage containers or the back of the closet. Take a digital photo of each purse. Download the images to your computer and arrange the photos on a new document. Add text details about the purse, including where it's stored. Print out the new "purse guide" and tape the document to the inside of the closet door. When you're ready to switch purses, all the information you need is readily available.

4. Display, don't hide your scarves. Hang scarves on a plain hanger, layered one on top of the other, with just the outside edge of each scarf showing. Hang the hanger somewhere visible in the closet. Scarves will be unwrinkled and within easy reach.

Tags: through boxes, back closet, boxes back, shoes that, Take digital