Friday, January 11, 2013

Ideas For Decorating Small Rooms

Decorating small rooms in your house.

Interior decorating shows have become a programming staple in the last decade, many focusing on turn your house from looking old to looking new. Some of the rooms in these houses are gigantic while others are small. These small rooms pose a challenge for any decorator, but there are many tips and tricks to make the rooms look bigger, feel more comfortable, and complement the rest of the house. Does this Spark an idea?

Dividing the Space

If you are able to divide the space in your tiny room, it may appear bigger and be more functional. If you have a bay window, put some curtains in front of it and build a window seat into the bay. This makes it feel like there is another room within the room. It also creates an additional area for seating and storage. Although it splits the room in two a bit, it somehow makes each section feel a bit larger.

Convertible Room

By using a Murphy bed that folds into a closet, you can make a small apartment room into both a bedroom and a small dining area. In this instance, an end table can act as a medium-sized dining table as well. By placing casters on the table, it can be rolled in front of the Murphy bed closet and cleared for plates and silverware. Using a small room for multiple purposes can allow you to do more to create larger spaces.

Armless and Open

If you have a small living room, instead of pushing everything out to the walls, try centering the furniture in the middle like a floating island. This gives you the ability to access the room from all sides without feeling cramped. Choose chairs and couches without arms to add to the sensation of openness. This combination will allow a small living room to feel much less busy.

Extending Upward

When attempting to make a small space look bigger, people typically think of making the room look wider. By placing curtains from the ceiling in front of bookcases on the wall, the room actually looks taller. Use the same curtains that are on the windows of the room. Use a floor-length mirror in between the shelves to make it feel like the room keeps going in that direction. This allows you to use a great deal of open wall space to your advantage.


There are many ways that you can use lighting to increase space and make your room look much bigger. Instead of using lamps and lighting that takes up floor space, use track lighting aimed at the walls. This will also make the house feel larger. The interior of closets should be lit to make maneuvering inside them easier and to create the illusion of more space. Full spectrum light bulbs make the house have more energy, which can sometimes be lost in such a small space. Clean your windows frequently to let in more light and to keep the view of the outside from being blocked.

Tags: feel larger, feel like, living room, look bigger, make house, make small